Entries by admin

8 Renting Myths, Debunked

Whether you’re currently on the prowl for a rental unit or are just casually considering renting, there’s a lot to think about. The thing is, there’s a lot of information about renting floating around out there, much of which is

How to Dispute a Low Appraisal on Your Home

Once an offer has been accepted on your home, the buyer’s lender will order an appraisal on the property to make sure its current value is in line with the mortgage amount. Usually, the appraisal closely matches the agreed-upon purchase

7 Risks of Selling a Home Without an Agent

Selling a home is undoubtedly an expensive endeavor, but it can be even more costly if you go it alone. Without the help of a real estate agent, you could find yourself making some expensive mistakes and missing out on